My Silver Bullets

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A place to post my pictures, videos, projects, and stats. Oh and our Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Sandy

A Maine Weekend with the Merlo Family

Heated floors are so luxurious

Brendan Maxon

1-Minute Read

On the first weekend of February, the Merlo family descended upon Norway for a weekend in the woods. The beautiful house had incredible views of the mountains, and lots of great sleding and tubing from all the fresh snow. We also ventured out to a skating rink. Taxidermied water fowl were looked at and discussed, and the hot tub and outdoor fire was enjoyed by all.

Mohawk State Forest

Family camping on the river!

Brendan Maxon

1-Minute Read

This past May the Merlo clan camped at the Mohawk State Forest. Much fun was had hiking and playing and being with family. I snuck in an ambitious bike ride (was hoping to get all the way into Vermont but the Berkshire climbs are no joke), and Sandy did really well on her first nights camping.

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