My Silver Bullets

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A place to post my pictures, videos, projects, and stats. Oh and our Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Sandy

Hawai'i 2016

Oahu, Kawua'i, and Maui back in 2016!

Brendan Maxon

2-Minute Read

Back in September 2016, Haley and I travelled to Hawai’i for the first time. We started on Oahu for a few days, hopped over to Kaua’i for five days, then wrapped up on Maui for a few more days.


This place is nice

Brendan Maxon

2-Minute Read

Over the fourth of July weekend in 2022, Haley and I ventured off to Chicago to do some sightseeing. We had an absolute blast seeing all the great architecture by boat and walking around the parks.

Whistler Blackcomb

A Whistler winter wonderland

Brendan Maxon

4-Minute Read

Last winter, I had the honor of once again tagging along with the Giglio and Barry men to ski for a week out at Whistler Blackcomb in British Columbia. It started off with our connecting flight in Toronto being delayed over 6 hours, resulting in us arriving at our place in the early morning hours on Sunday the 27th. But we were excited and even on lack of sleep were able to get our “bonus day” in on the slopes.

Maxie Tribute

A look back at Maxie

Brendan Maxon

1-Minute Read

Decided to collect various photos of Maxie and throw them up on a blog post for future reference. I had made this tribute video shortly after she passed away in July of 2017.

2 Year Old Sandy

The end of puppyhood

Brendan Maxon

1-Minute Read

Sandy’s second and final year of puppyhood flew by. She had a blast last winter skijoring with Haley. When she first met Midge, Sandy was could boss her around as the big cousin; now she can easily walk underneath the long-legged lab. She continues to desire swimming no matter what the time is or temperature of the water. She took her first stroll through Boston and tried tolling some bronze ducks to no avail. I also realized looking back this year I took a lot of photos of Sandy jumping…

Dock Diving

One dog was dock diving... and the other was Sandy

Brendan Maxon

2-Minute Read

A few weeks ago, Sandy and Midge got to try out dock diving for the first time during a private session at Dock Diving Anonymous in Barnstead, NH. There were two professionals who helped ease the dogs into the pool, first by going into the water easily via the ramp, then slowly building up confidence to jumping in, and finally with a running start.

Cliff Pond at Nickerson State Park

Wonderful weekend camping and swimming

Brendan Maxon

1-Minute Read

This past July, Sandy, Haley, and I ventured down to Nickerson State Park to camp and enjoy the fantastic water of Cliff Pond. Haley broke out her new stand-up paddleboard and taught Sandy how to load up, take a spin, and jump off. Sandy could not get enough of the water and was sad we only were there for a couple days.

2021 Merlo Capecation

A year late but better than never!

Brendan Maxon

2-Minute Read

Last August we spent the week down with the Merlos in Eastham on Cape Cod. It was an awesome vacation full of beaches, rockets, and sunrises/sunsets. The week kicked off with playing fetch in a local field with Tucker Giglio. It was a bit chilly from the clouds and wind but still had lots of fun running and splashing in the surf at First Encounter beach. Made a day out of Marconi Beach, which being 🐕 friendly meant Sandy could join us. Another 🐕 friendly area was my personal favorite swimming…

First Season of Randonneuring

Why do I like biking so many miles?

Brendan Maxon

4-Minute Read

As mentioned in my previous PBP training blog post, I’d like to attempt Paris-Brest-Paris in August of 2023. In order to have a better chance of registering, and also to get a sense of whether I really want to do all this, I set out this year with a plan to ride a full Brevet series, which consists of a 200, 300, 400, and 600 km rides. Here’s a quick summary of how they all went.

Sledding at Black Mountain

It was soooooo cold

Brendan Maxon

1-Minute Read

Back in January of this year, some of the old Ski Team went up to Jackson for the weekend. Unfortunately it was too damn cold and windy to go skiing, but otherwise it was beautiful outside. We all bundled up and gave it a go at sledding on the old toboggan on the hill next to Black Mountain. It was a ton of fun, and you can go way too fast if you’re not careful! Sandy was very concerned with us, and made sure to run in front and almost get run over several times.

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