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Flights Canceled: A Crowdstrike Survival Story

How my co-workers and I spent our 48 Hours in travel purgatory

Brendan Maxon

13-Minute Read

A couple months ago, I was returning from a work trip in Arizona when my co-workers and I were struck by the Crowdstrike debacle. During the entire ordeal, my co-workers and I posted to a teams channel chronicling our journey, worts and all. After over 230 messages spanning 68 hours, I had to somehow immortalize this remarkable trip. Being 2024, I resorted to feeding all the messages to ChatGPT to create a blog post summarizing the best parts. Below is the telling of our journey, according to AI.

Sleeping in the terminal

Sleeping in the terminal

Stranded in Phoenix: The Epic Journey of the Crowdstrike Crash Survivors

In the early hours of July 19, 2024, a group of travelers at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport unknowingly embarked on an odyssey that would span two days, stretch across multiple cities, and test the limits of their patience and endurance. What began as routine travel plans for Brendan Maxon, Michael Lieu, Johnson Qu, Kate Brewer, and Stephen Hagen quickly turned into a battle against fate, heat, and a collapsing digital infrastructure.

The cause of their misfortune? The Crowdstrike crash—a catastrophic IT failure that swept through airports across the country, leaving flights canceled, systems down, and travelers stranded. This is their story, told through real-time updates in a Microsoft Teams chat, where humor and camaraderie became their lifelines in a day filled with uncertainty and chaos.

Prelude to the Crisis: The Blue Screen of Death

Blue Screens of Death

Blue Screens of Death

It’s 1:14 AM, and Michael Lieu sets the tone for what will become a marathon of survival. His message, titled “Crowdstrike survivor log: 0113 AZ Time,” marks the beginning of the saga:

“The chronicles begin here… the travelers of Delta flight 1728 have huddled together to wait out the blue screen curse. Kate Brewer is isolated in terminal 4—mental status unknown. We are praying the AC in PHX doesn’t go out.”

Already, there is an air of foreboding. Flights are delayed, and systems across the airport are falling victim to the widespread Crowdstrike IT crash. Blue screens of death (BSoD) flash ominously from terminal to terminal, a sign that the digital backbone of the airport has collapsed. As if in response, the travelers begin to treat their situation with a mix of dark humor and a growing sense of dread.

By 1:20 AM, Brendan Maxon delivers a stark report from the field:

“Airport lounges are closed. Bars and restaurants’ points of sale are down. We’ve begun rationing food and water.”

What was once a bustling international airport now feels like a post-apocalyptic wasteland. With no ability to buy food, no access to lounges, and an uncertain timeline ahead of them, the travelers face the reality of their situation—they are stranded, and it could be a while before they escape.

Johnson Qu, never one to let the situation drag him down, jokes that he’s preparing to “steal a car” in an attempt to escape the terminal. The travelers, stuck between dark humor and very real survival instincts, begin to brace for a long day.

Escape Attempts Foiled: Kate Brewer’s Heroic Journey

While Brendan, Michael, and Johnson are stuck near Terminal 4, Kate Brewer has been cut off from the group, stranded in another part of the airport. At 2:29 AM, Michael reports that Kate, like a modern-day sacrificial hero, has ventured out to “test how to cross terminals and TSA.” She’s left her shelter in Terminal 4, hoping to reunite with the others and gather critical intel on the situation in other parts of the airport. It’s a bold move, one that carries risks, as the entire airport is shrouded in uncertainty and confusion.

Brendan, Michael, and Johnson anxiously wait for updates from their heroic scout. At 3:03 AM, Kate finally reports in:

“0259 encountered a TSA agent who let me through into terminal 3 despite confirming I was in fact on American which does not fly out of terminal 3.”

It’s a small victory—Kate has managed to cross terminals despite the ongoing chaos, but it’s clear that even the TSA is struggling to maintain order. However, hope is short-lived. By 3:29 AM, Michael shares the grim news that Kate’s American Airlines flight has been officially canceled. Despite her bravery and perseverance, she’s now in the same boat as the others: stranded, with no clear escape in sight.

Rationing Begins: The Morning of Despair

Meanwhile, Brendan reports a small victory: the “overlords of the air” have bestowed upon the travelers a meager ration of food—sustenance to help them endure the next few hours. Stephen Hagen, acting as the group’s scout, reports that chaos is beginning to spread. Red-eye flights are being canceled in droves, and the situation is deteriorating rapidly. Baggage claim, the last hope for many travelers, is about to devolve into utter pandemonium. Inside the airport, the group is growing weary. Brendan jokes about renting a van, perhaps to escape the city by road.

As the clock ticks past 4:00 AM, the airport begins to fill with the unfortunate souls of the morning rush—travelers unaware of the crisis that awaits them. Michael remarks with some dark humor:

“Morning crowds have arrived
 not knowing what they are walking into
 poor bastards.”

Shortly after, Johnson provides a particularly bleak update on the conditions:

“Nap spot reviews: Bench in the closed San Tan restaurant. 2/5. Squishy, not too bright but legs dangled. Went numb resting against table edge. Floor in the Delta help line cubby. 3/5 good privacy carpet, pretty soft, full length to lay out.”

Despite the seriousness of the situation, the group continues to find humor in their predicament. Johnson’s makeshift nap reviews offer a glimpse into their evolving survival tactics. There’s no choice but to make the best of a bad situation.

Hope for Escape: Rental Cars and the Desert Sun

At 5:00 AM, Michael finally delivers a report that offers a shred of hope: rental cars are still available. The group could, theoretically, escape the airport and drive out of Phoenix. The idea of abandoning the airport purgatory and hitting the open road appeals to them, and they begin seriously considering their options. But as they discuss potential destinations—casino hotels, back to Phoenix, or even a road trip home—they remain unsure if leaving the airport is the right move.

By now, they’ve spent hours in the terminal, waiting for some sign that their flights might still depart. Johnson offers another update at 5:06 AM:

“We are holding strong. Murmurs are that they are prioritizing the red-eye flights and we distinctly have not gotten a cancelation. There is hope.”

But hope is fragile. As the minutes pass, the group remains on edge, unsure if they will be able to leave Phoenix or if they’ll be stuck for the foreseeable future. Brendan, ever the optimist, takes on a new scouting mission to “investigate the possibility of renting a minivan,” while the others prepare for the worst.

The Airport Becomes Home: Surviving the Heat

At 6:02 AM, Michael delivers a sobering update:

“Boarding update potential: 9 AM… but also predicted 7 AM then 6 AM.”

Despite promises of boarding, delays continue to pile up. The travelers watch as other flights—some of which they had pinned their hopes on—are canceled one by one. Stephen, ever the scout, reports on the chaos around him, noting that multiple red-eye flights have been axed and that “chaos for baggage” is soon to commence.

The group resigns itself to a long, uncertain day. They have no choice but to settle in and wait, watching as the temperature outside climbs higher and higher. Brendan jokes about the situation, noting that the group has now spent more time waiting on tarmacs than they have flying in the past few days. It’s a grim observation, but one that resonates with all of them.

Rising Tempers and Dwindling Morale

As the day wears on, the group’s morale begins to falter. At 7:58 AM, Johnson provides a darkly humorous update:

“It has been really peaceful sleeping in an airport that has PA systems offline. Thanks Crowdstrike.”

For a moment, they enjoy the relative silence of the terminal, free from the usual blaring announcements and flight updates. But it’s a small comfort, as their patience begins to wear thin. The group, once united by their shared sense of humor and determination, is now showing signs of strain.

By 8:17 AM, the group finally decides to take action. They’ve rented a car and are preparing to make their escape from Phoenix, though not without a sense of resignation. Michael delivers a reflective message as they leave the airport:

“As we (temporarily) abandon our primary means of getting back home we take the time to reflect on how we got to this point.”

He recounts the events that led them here: how they had all arrived in Phoenix, how their flights were supposed to depart, and how everything had gone wrong. It’s a moment of clarity amidst the chaos, a chance to process the frustration and confusion that has characterized their day.

But as they drive away from the airport, the uncertainty remains. The heat is still unbearable, and their plan—to kill time until their new departure estimate of 6 PM—feels tenuous at best.

The Poolside Respite: Brief Relief in the Desert

Pool Respite

Pool Respite

After leaving the terminal, the group finds temporary relief at a pool, where they clean their clothes and rest for a few precious hours. Brendan posts an update at 2:50 PM on Day Two of their ordeal, describing their brief respite:

“1450 AZ Day 2: We have found shelter to clean clothes, sleep for 4 hours, and avoid overheating via 95F pool. Our sky lords have not provided updates since 0800, still tentatively taking off in 3.5 hours. Outside temperature is 108F.”

Even in the relative comfort of the pool, the heat is unrelenting. But for a moment, they are able to cool off and recharge, preparing for the next stage of their journey. It’s a brief pause in what has been a chaotic and exhausting ordeal, and they are grateful for the opportunity to escape the terminal, if only for a few hours.

By 3:52 PM, they return to the airport, where time has seemingly stood still. Michael’s update captures the surreal nature of their return:

“We are returning to the place where time is standing still. The boarding times are the same. The planes’ locations are the same. The people are the same. Stephen Hagen’s clothes are the same.”

It’s a moment of levity in an otherwise bleak situation, but the underlying tension remains. The heat continues to rise, and the travelers, now more exhausted than ever, face the possibility of yet another night in Phoenix.

The Final Delays: A New Hope Crumbles

At 5:45 PM, there is a glimmer of hope—the Delta crew has boarded, and it seems like they may finally be leaving Phoenix. But as they prepare to board, the group is hit with yet another setback: the plane needs to be refueled, and they are assigned a new flight number because the current one is already in use by another flight.

Stephen provides a dry update from the plane:

“The more things change, the more they stay the same.”

By 7:00 PM, the group is still sitting on the tarmac, waiting for the flight to depart. Outside, the temperature is 111°F, and the air conditioning on the plane is malfunctioning. It’s a nightmarish situation, and tempers are running high.

At 7:10 PM, Michael deboards the plane to grab water and tea for his fellow passengers, noting that he has likely lost five pounds in water weight from sweating. It’s a small act of kindness in a situation that feels increasingly desperate. The travelers are beginning to lose hope, and it’s clear that the situation is spiraling out of control.

The Saga Ends: Cancelations, Contingencies, and Final Departures

At 8:51 PM, Michael delivers the final, crushing blow: the Delta flight has been canceled. The saga that began nearly two days ago has come to an end, but not with the resolution the travelers had hoped for.

Each traveler begins to make contingency plans. Michael books a connecting flight through Philadelphia, while Brendan secures a seat on a JetBlue flight to JFK-the same flight Kate had booked herself on earlier that day. Stephen and Johnson, still holding on to hope, return to their Airbnb to try again tomorrow.

As the fellowship of travelers breaks apart, they reflect on the absurdity and frustration of their ordeal. At 10:11 PM, Brendan, now calling himself “Gimli” in reference to The Lord of the Rings, jokes that he and Kate (now “Legolas”) are preparing for their next leg of the journey, figuring out how to get from JFK to Boston. Meanwhile, Michael assumes the role of Gandalf, preparing for his own journey through American Airlines.

The Long Road Home: The Journey Continues

As the sun rises on July 20, the travelers continue their odyssey across the country. Michael lands in Philadelphia, Brendan and Kate make their way through New York City, and Johnson prepares for his flight from Minneapolis. But their journey is far from over.

At 7:20 AM, Brendan reports that he has landed in JFK, but the road to Boston remains uncertain. Rental cars are in short supply, and public transportation seems to be their best option. Michael, now in Philadelphia, notes that he has crossed three terminals without encountering a single blue screen of death—a rare moment of optimism in an otherwise grim situation.

The group, though separated, continues to communicate through the Teams chat, sharing updates and offering each other support. Despite the exhaustion and frustration, their camaraderie remains strong, and they hold on to the hope that they will all make it home soon.

Final Escapes: Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

At 1:21 PM, Michael is the first to reach home after landing at Logan and grabbing a ride home:

“1320 ET. Good luck to the remaining travelers. We will meet again in the shire one day.”

By midday, Brendan (via Amtrak) and Kate (via a second JetBlue flight) are close behind, arriving home within a couple hours of Michael, and completing their journey after nearly two days of travel. Stephen, finally reunited with his luggage, is able to fly to the east coast and catch a train home the next day. Johnson, after surviving a series of delays and cancellations totalling over 72 hours, finally boards his flight from Minneapolis, though not without some trepidation.

As the last members of the group trickle in, Stephen closes the saga with a note of exhaustion and relief. They’ve all survived, and they’ve all returned to their homes—whether by plane, train, or automobile. The ordeal of Phoenix, and the chaos of the Crowdstrike crash, will become legend in their personal travel histories.

Reflections: Surviving the Crowdstrike Crash

The Crowdstrike crash of July 19, 2024, will go down in history as one of the most chaotic and frustrating days of air travel in recent memory. But for Brendan, Michael, Johnson, Kate, and Stephen, it will also be remembered as a journey of camaraderie and survival. Their humor, resilience, and determination carried them through a seemingly endless series of delays, cancellations, and unexpected challenges.

In the end, the story of the Crowdstrike survivors is one of triumph—not just over the technical failures that plagued their flights, but over the frustrations and obstacles that come with modern travel. From makeshift nap spots to poolside respites, from canceled flights to rented cars, this group of travelers navigated the chaos with humor and grace.

Their story is a reminder that, even in the face of uncertainty and frustration, there is always room for humor, kindness, and camaraderie. And as they return to their homes, they leave behind a tale that will be retold for years to come—a story of survival, of friendship, and of the ultimate triumph over the blue screen of death.

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